The world pays tribute to Mandela (slideshow)
As South Africans come to terms with the loss of former president Nelson Mandela, the rest of the world bids farewell to Madiba.

Pimples: Saving Madiba's rabbit (video)
Gwede, Mac and Blade try their best to stop the rabbit from whispering in Mandela's ear. But the elusive animal has some tricks up its sleeve.

Zapiro's best Madiba cartoons (slideshow)
From his toughest moments to his most triumphant, Madiba has been an inspiration. Here are some of our favourite Zapiro cartoons about him from 1994 to 2013.

Mandela: SA's greatest son laid to rest (slideshow)
The world watched as Nelson Mandela was finally laid to rest in his hometown of Qunu following a dignified and moving funeral ceremony on Sunday.
-July 18 1918: Nelson Mandela is born.
-1940: Mandela is expelled from Fort Hare University for taking part in a student protest.
-1943: Mandela joins the African National Congress.
-1944: He forms the Youth League of the ANC with Oliver Tambo and Walter Sisulu. Mandela marries his first wife, Evelyn Mase, with whom he has three children. They were divorced in 1957.
-1952: Mandela opens a legal partnership with Oliver Tambo in Jo'burg.
-1956: Mandela is arrested and charged with treason. He is one of the accused in the Treason Trial.
-1958: Mandela marries his second wife, Nomzamo Winifred Madikizela (Winnie).
-1961: He is acquitted of treason. The ANC, now banned, moves underground. Umkhonto weSizwe is formed with Mandela as commander-in-chief.
-1962: He is arrested for 'inciting a strike” and receives a five-year prison sentence. He spends his first two weeks on Robben Island.
-1964: While in prison Mandela is put on trial for treason and receives a life sentence.
-1982: Mandela is moved from Robben Island to Pollsmoor Prison.
-1985: Mandela is offered conditional release, which he refuses.
-1990: The ANC is unbanned.
-February 11 1990: Mandela is released from prison.
-1991: He becomes president of the ANC.
-1993: Mandela is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize jointly with FW de Klerk.
-1994: Mandela becomes the first black president of South Africa on May 10 1994.
-1996: He divorces Winnie.
-1997: Mandela retires as president of the ANC.
-1998: He marries Graça Machel on his 80th birthday.
-1999: He steps down as South African president to make way for Thabo Mbeki, who was nominated ANC president in 1997.
-1999 to 2003: Mandela 'retires” to focus on international conflict resolution and his social work.
'Armed struggle must be a movement intended to hit at the symbols of oppression and not to slaughter human beings.” — On the armed struggle.
'If there is anything I am conscious about, it is not to frighten the minorities, especially the white minority. We are not going to live as fat cats.” — Before the 1994 election
'We enter into a covenant that we shall build a society in which all South Africans, both black and white, will be able to walk tall, without any fear in their hearts, assured of their inalienable right to human dignity — a rainbow nation at peace with itself and the world.” — On his inauguration as president.
'I step down with a clear conscience, feeling that I have in a small way done my duty to my people and my country.” — On leaving the presidency
'Now you won't shout at me and say I am setting a bad example.” — To Archbishop Desmond Tutu on marrying Graça Machel at the age of 80 after having lived with her
'Decent people who have been misled by their leaders.” — On Afrikaners
'At least we have the right to get drunk ... next time we will win.” — When Germany pipped South Africa for the 2006 Soccer World Cup
'What I condemn is one power with a president who can't think properly and wants to plunge the world into Holocaust ... All [United States President George W] Bush wants is Iraqi oil. He is making the greatest mistake of his life by trying to cause carnage.” — On Bush in the run-up to the war in Iraq
'A society that does not value its older people denies its roots and endangers its future. As we celebrate with the world, we must redouble our efforts to address the problems older people face in our society.” — At the launch of the South African leg of the International Year of Older Persons.
'It is as a peaceful and equitable world takes shape that I and the legions across the globe who dedicated their lives in striving for a better life for all, will be able to retire in contentment and at peace.” — Address to the World Council of Churches in 1998.