M&G and Madiba Archive

The Mail & Guardian and the Weekly Mail have reported on Nelson Mandela since the 1980s. Many of those stories have now been digitised for the first time, and can be read in our archive. Use the arrows and blocks below to scroll through 25 years of Madiba history.
M&G Madiba Archives
July 05 1985
The move "will send a clear message to the world that those of us in the nation's capital fully support the efforts to free Mandela..."
August 02 1985
A fact-finding delegation of Liberal International Parliamentarians has asked permission for a second time to visit imprisoned ANC leader Mandela.
August 02 1985

The 10-week boycott of the Daily Dispatch has ended after a front-page apology by the newspaper's management.
August 09 1985
Winnie Mandela has not returned to her house because of her lawyers fears for her safety.
August 30 1985
The State President quotes him to prove a point... People risk detention to demand his release. Patrick Laurence on the Mandela mystique.
September 27 1985
Letter to the Editor:Weekly Mail September 27 to October 3 1985.
November 22 1985

After her visit yesterday, Mrs Mandela spoke briefly to the press. She is banned and cannot be quoted, but she had nothing to add to the speculation.
November 29 1985
Howard Barrell tells how he went off in search of Nelson Mandela's freedom and nearly lost his life.
December 06 1985
Three things emerge from the recent flurry of rumours that Nelson Mandela was about to be released from prison.
December 13 1985
The London borough of Southwark joined a growing list of towns and cities by naming a new road "Mandela Way".
February 07 1986

That Nelson Mandela will soon be released from prison is common cause. Less certain is what effect this will have on the country. Anton Harber reports
February 14 1986
Senior Advocate George Bizos was due to fly to Cape Town late yesterday for further consultations with Nelson Mandela in Pollsmoor Prison.
June 06 1986

Everyone knows his name and what he stands for. But almost no-one knows what Nelson Mandela looks like.
July 11 1986
Howe said he did not yet know if a meeting with Mandela would be possible, but this was "one of the objectives" of his trip to South Africa.
August 22 1986
A polemic on behalf of the jailed black leader by the eminent American writer Susan Sontag.
January 16 1987
Makaziwe Mandela was nine when her father was sentenced to life imprisonment. Benjamin Pogrund speaks to Nelson Mandela's daughter.
August 07 1987

As told by a colleague who spent three years with him. Journalist recently released after seven years in prison.
August 14 1987
For the first time in a South African newspaper: a glimpse behind the cell doors of Robben Island prison.
August 21 1987
Journalist Thami Mkhwanazi, recently released after seven years in prison, continues his series on life behind the cell doors of Robben Island prison.
September 11 1987
In January 1985 PW Botha told parliament that he would consider releasing Mandela if the ANC leader renounced violence.
October 30 1987
It was raining in London on the day they released Mandela.
November 20 1987
Winnie Mandela has cautioned against "over-optimistic expectations" following the release of African National Congress leader Govan Mbeki.
November 27 1987
Recognise the sporting man? His seldom-seen face appears in a remarkable collection of historic pictures, published this week.
January 29 1988

Situated in Soweto's Industrial Park, the Mandela Family's Office has on its letterhead a photograph of Nelson Mandela.
July 08 1988

Mandela will celebrate his birthday on July 18 behind bars despite repeated calls for his release from the international community.
August 19 1988
PW Botha can't bring himself to free Nelson Mandela; but he also can't hold him forever.
October 21 1988
Why we did it - the first interview with one of the Kine fugitives.
December 09 1988
A non-interview with the banned Govan Mbeki about the day when he last saw Nelson Mandela.
December 09 1988
His name is known around the globe, but his face has been unknown in his country. This week, all that changed.
December 15 1988
Jailed African National Congress leader Nelson Mandela has obtained his LIB degree.
April 14 1989
Nelson Mandela has sent his “very best wishes" to Margaret Thatcher -- but has not praised her for her work on the South African issue.
April 21 1989
The full text of the recent letter from Nelson Mandela to Mangosuthu Buthelezi.
July 14 1989
Nelson Mandela is believed to have drawn up a wider list of people he wants to consult with.
July 14 1989
An artist's portrait of the man who came to tea with PW.
August 04 1989
Nelson Mandela, has been involved in "serious dialogue" with senior members of the government for almost three years.
August 11 1989
Named: The four men in Kobie's Coetsee's talks team
August 11 1989
According to the SA Prisons Service and the ANC leaders, Nelson Mandela’s graduation party will definitely take place.
October 13 1989
The releases of Walter Sisulu and seven other political prisoners are expected to begin on Sunday and the MDM is planning marches and rallies.
October 13 1989
Sitting watching an historic news bulletin on SABC television on Tuesday night at Victor Verster Prison was a most extraordinary party.
December 15 1989

The MDM had prior knowledge that jailed African National Congress leader Nelson Mandela was about to meet State President FW de Klerk.
January 26 1990
An edited version of Nelson Mandela's first letter to then State President PW Botha.
January 26 1990
This is a letter from Nelson Mandela confirming the ANC's commitment to the nationalisation of mines, banks and monopoly industries.
February 02 1990
Intense in-fighting is developing behind the scenes for control of the "Nelson Mandela story".
February 02 1990
President George Bush will invite Nelson Mandela to visit the White House as soon as he is freed.
February 08 1990

ls it Winnie Mandela who is on trial or has her case expanded to become state versus African National Congress? Emma Gilbey reports.
February 12 1990
Yesterday's newspapers turned into today's placards as thousands of Sowetans packed Jabulani stadium.
February 12 1990
In the South Africa of the future, February 11 will be a public holiday. On Sunday it was the day of liberation.
February 12 1990

Mandela's speech can be viewed as an opening thrust, a consolidating speech which was carefully prepared and delivered strictly according to the text.
February 12 1990

An edited version of Nelson Mandela 's first speech delivered from the steps of the Cape Town City Hall.
February 16 1990
There were 150 000 dreams at Soccer City on Tuesday.
February 16 1990

Mandela's birthplace -- It all began in the little village of Qunu in the Transkei...
February 16 1990

An edited version of Nelson Mandela's famous four-and-a-half hour speech from the dock during the Rivonia Trial.
February 23 1990

Nelson Mandela is to meet Anglo-American Corporation chief Gavin Relly and former Premier Group chairman Tony Bloom.
February 23 1990
Book Review: Mandela: Echoes of an Era by Alf Khumalo and Es'kia Mphahlele.
February 23 1990
Holland has said in an interview that The Struggle is intended for South African whites; her aim is to “de-demonise" the ANC.
February 23 1990
According to Fatima Meer, Nelson Mandela wrote an autobiography in the late 1970s.
March 02 1990
A phone-call to Coetsee breaks prisons stalemate.
April 05 1990
A top-level four-man African National Congress delegation meets with State President FW de Klerk today.
April 05 1990
Inkatha Mangosuthu Buthelezi will be in Cape Town today, as will African National Congress Deputy President Nelson Mandela.
April 27 1990
What kind of Mercedes Benz rolls off the assembly line wrapped in cellophane paper and plastered with stickers proclaiming the virtues of the SACP?
May 11 1990
Nelson Mandela yesterday thanked the people of Angola for their support for the resistance struggle in South Africa.
June 08 1990
By moving far - but not as far as expected – FW lands the ANC with a hard choice.
October 12 1990
Nelson Mandela is one of the dark horses in the running for the Nobel Peace Prize to be announced on Monday.
May 03 1991
This week a large group of Afrikaans rightwingers forced ANC deputy president Nelson Mandela to abandon his address to a student meeting at Tukkies.
May 10 1991

Mandela: An angry man, taking a harder line than before. De Klerk: Under heavy pressure from abroad to get talks moving.
May 17 1991

Nelson Mandela yesterday delivered his toughest speech since his release from prison 15 months ago.
April 16 1992

On Monday African National Congress president Nelson Mandela opened the primary school, which bears his middle name -- Rolihlahla.
July 10 1992

In his television address FW de Klerk presented himself as the reasonable man. But beneath the benign tone lay a much harsher message.
July 10 1992

The battle between the government and the ANC is now on the centre court but no one appears to be serving up the aces.
July 17 1992

In an interview here this week, African National Congress president Nelson Mandela dwelt at some length on the pressure exerted by mass action.
August 07 1992

If this week's mass action was Nelson Mandela's "referendum" he has clearly won a handsome mandate.
August 27 1993
Disgruntled Umkhonto weSizwe soldiers in southern Natal ended their 10-day sit-in at the African National Congress's regional offices in Durban.
September 24 1993
Nelson Mandela is expected to call for an end to sanctions when he addressed the UN general assembly later today.
February 04 1994
Nelson Mandela's security has been upgraded with the inclusion of an armour-plated Mercedes Benz in the ANC's fleet.
April 29 1994

As he turned toward the polling station, Mandela was asked how he was gong to vote. He smiled broadly. "I've been agonising over that question...".
May 13 1994

The presidential inauguration ... The world's leaders came to honour Nelson Mandela, the former convict who is now commander in chief.
May 13 1994

Nelson Mandela is that rare phenomenon -- an honest politician equally at home with world leaders and ordinary people.
May 13 1994

Over the moon! Guardian reporter Gary Younge witnesses South Africa beating Zambia at football and finds there really is a place for politics in sport
July 29 1994
The president throws a thank you party for 'struggle' veterans and over 1 000 guests from around the world turn up, writes Sibusiso Nxumalo
August 12 1994
By what measure does one judge Mandela's successes or failures?
August 26 1994
A FILM crew who followed Nelson Mandela to Oslo last year found him, on the morning he was to receive the Nobel Peace Prize, making his own bed.
December 23 1994
PRESIDENT Nelson Mandela threw out a challenge in his opening speech at the ANC's national conference in Bloemfontein this week.
December 23 1994
The government is still basking in the afterglow of the elections. It has delivered many bold ideas -- but nothing concrete yet. Anton Harber reports
December 23 1994
NELSON MANDELA has nominated businessman and leader of the senate Dr Sam Motsuenyane for the post of treasurer general.
January 27 1995
A select few have been offered the chance to take part in an exclusive, and expensive, tour of Robben Island, reports Justin Pierce
February 10 1995
TWO South African leaders dropped in from the sky into a heaving throng of Transkei peasants.
May 12 1995
Moments after the six o'clock news on May 1, Jakes Gerwel's phone rang.
May 26 1995
SOUTH AFRICA'S book of the year has to be Nelson Mandela's autobiography, Long Walk to Freedom.
May 27 1997
Two South Africans held by Zimbabwean police on suspicion an assassination attempt of Mandela were innocent, sources say.
July 04 1997
PRESIDENT Nelson Mandela brought joy and excitement to the lives of 1 200 children with life-threatening diseases on Friday when they joined him at a party in Cape Town to
July 17 1997
PRESIDENT Nelson Mandela continued his South-East Asian tour on Thursday by receiving an honorary doctorate from Thailand's Chulalongkorn University, where students sang "Happy Birthday" to him ahead of his 79th
July 18 1997
PRESIDENT Nelson Mandela chose to speak at the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies during his brief visit last week to the United Kingdom in order to make good his debt
July 18 1997
As Nelson Mandela turns 79 on July 18, Gaye Davis looks back on his past three-and-a- half years at the helm of the government
July 24 1997
PRESIDENT Nelson Mandela will meet exiled East Timorese activist Jose Ramos-Horta for talks on Friday, presidential spokesman Parks Mankahlana confirmed on Thursday.
July 25 1997
The meeting between President Nelson Mandela and East Timorese Nobel peace laureate Jose Ramos-Horta has been shrouded in secrecy.
July 30 1997
PORTUGUESE president Jorge Sampaio met Nelson Mandela in South Africa on Wednesday, and thanked him for his role as mediator in the East Timor controversy.
August 04 1997
The diplomatic rumpus over President Nelson Mandela's "lost" letter to the Indonesian government took a new turn.
August 15 1997
Ronald Suresh Roberts argues that those lawyers who subordinated their moral obligations to an apartheid legislature should be held accountable.
August 15 1997
Armscor and the defence industry want to tap the Mandela magic abroad, and are putting pressure on the government to teach politicians the arms trade.
August 15 1997
Mystery surrounds an alleged meeting early last year between Iran's Deputy Minister of Atomic Affairs and the head of SA's Atomic Energy Corporation.
August 15 1997
Electing a premier for Gauteng is dividing ANC members, writes Wally Mbhele
August 22 1997
William Onyango reports on how a new portrait of Nelson Mandela was discovered, and its journey from Kenya.
August 28 1997
Foreign Minister Ali Alatas on Thursday declined an offer from South African President Nelson Mandela to host talks between East Timorese factions.
August 29 1997
Cape Town's chances are looking good, especially on the betting books, writes Julian Drew.
September 05 1997
CAPE TOWN'S noisy street party came to a stunned halt shortly before 7.00PM as the city learnt that it had lost the Olympic Games for 2004 to Athens.
September 12 1997
Nelson Mandela's attempts at negotiating a peaceful settlement of the worlds longest civil war are fraught with difficulties, writes Richard Cornwell.
September 12 1997
President Nelson Mandela may receive acclaim and affection throughout the world, but Olympic Committee members were not impressed.
September 17 1997
PRESIDENT Nelson Mandela came under fire at the start of the Congress of SA Trade Unions congress yesterday.
September 19 1997
Cosatus battle with government over economic policy reached a head this week. Compromise seems unlikely, writes Sechaba kaNkosi.
September 24 1997
President Nelson Mandela on Wednesday declared Robben Island a national monument and museum to mark the country's first Heritage Day holiday.
November 18 1997
South Africa and Saudi Arabia have signed a "memorandum of understanding" to boost oil exports to South Africa and build an oil refinery.
July 17 1998
President Nelson Mandela has celebrated his 80th birthday by marrying his sweetheart, Graça Machel, in a private civil ceremony at his Houghton home on Saturday.
July 17 1998
Nelson Mandela is worth a fortune. The world's most beloved statesman and most famous ex-con is an obvious target for merchandising.
September 21 1998
THE current global financial crisis calls for a complete rethink of the world's economic systems, President Nelson Mandela said.
September 22 1998
President Nelson Mandela has vowed to support United States President Bill Clinton even if everybody else deserts him.
September 23 1998
President Nelson Mandela was on Wednesday awarded the United States' Congressional medal of honour, the highest civilian recognition awarded by the US, in a ceremony in Washington.
October 13 1998
President Nelson Mandela said in Durban on Tuesday that he is optimistic a solution will be reached to end the policital crisis in Lesotho.
October 16 1998
With the approach of Nelson Mandela's retirement commentators will soon be offering their epitaphs on the political career of a president who will no doubt be long remembered as South
October 20 1998
President Nelson Mandela has expressed satisfaction with discussions he had with Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni.
October 22 1998
President Nelson Mandela on Thursday held talks with Rwandan vice-president Paul Kagame in Pretoria.
October 27 1998
President Nelson Mandela is to meet the chairman of the Congolese Democratic Coalition, Ernest Wamba dia Wamba.
December 06 1998
President Nelson Mandela, in an interview published on Sunday, categorically ruled out a blanket amnesty for human right crimes committed during the apartheid era.
January 13 1999
President Nelson Mandela will unveil a memorial to Mozambican President Samora Machel on January 19.
January 14 1999
President Nelson Mandela is expected to discuss the Angolan war and whether Southern African Development Conference troops may be sent.
January 20 1999
President Nelson Mandela on Tuesday unveiled a memorial at the site where former Mozambican president Samora Machel was killed.
January 24 1999
PRESIDENT Nelson Mandela is to make a state visit to the Netherlands.
January 27 1999
President Nelson Mandela left Pretoria late on Wednesday for a brief visit to Germany and Switzerland.
January 28 1999
President Nelson Mandela arrived in Baden Baden, Germany.
January 31 1999
South Africa's President Nelson Mandela made a brief stopover in Nigeria early Sunday on his way home from the World Economic Forum meeting.
February 04 1999
Visiting Austrian Chancellor Viktor Klima held talks on Thursday with President Nelson Mandela.
February 05 1999
President Nelson Mandela's former home in Soweto was among 29 edifices declared national monuments on Thursday.
February 09 1999
President Nelson Mandela has paid homage to King Hussein of Jordan.
February 11 1999
President Nelson Mandela and his wife Graa Machel will visit Sweden next month.
February 16 1999
President Nelson Mandela will hold talks with visiting Zambian President Frederick Chiluba on Wednesday.
February 24 1999
President Nelson Mandela met South Africa's "Rain Queen", Modjadji V.
March 11 1999
President Nelson Mandela, first lady Graa Machel and Foreign Minister Alfred Nzo left for state visit to the Netherlands.
March 12 1999
President Nelson Mandela and first lady Graca Machel left the Netherlands on Friday for Finland.
March 15 1999
President Nelson Mandela will meet Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat for talks in the Finnish capital.
March 15 1999
President Nelson Mandela said while visiting Finland that he is confident South Africa and the European Union will reach a deal on a free trade pact.
March 16 1999
President Nelson Mandela will meet Libyan leader Moammar Gadaffi in the capital Tripoli.
March 16 1999
President Nelson Mandela on Monday thanked Denmark for its help in the struggle against apartheid.
March 17 1999
President Nelson Mandela will meet Libyan leader Moammar Gadaffi in the capital Tripoli on Friday.
March 26 1999
President Nelson Mandela has been named joint winner of a Nigerian honour recognising exemplary leadership in Africa.
March 31 1999
President Nelson Mandela on Wednesday urged parties involved in the faltering Northern Ireland peace talks to seek agreement.
April 13 1999
President Nelson Mandela will formally proclaim June 2 as the election date by the end of the week.
April 21 1999
President Nelson Mandela will pay a state visit to China from May 5 to 7 at the invitation of President Jiang Zemin.
April 25 1999
President Nelson Mandela will pay state visits to the Russian Federation, Hungary, Pakistan and the People's Republic of China.
May 08 1999
President Nelson Mandela was welcomed by his Chinese counterpart Jiang Zemin in Beijing on Wednesday.
June 04 1999
He walked free and, with him, a nation began the walk to freedom. He became head of state, and it seemed as if patience and justice had created a new
June 11 1999
With South Africa's second democratic elections concluded, it is clear that the country has reached the end of an era.
June 18 1999
At the end of 1994, I took a film crew to nine countries on the African continent to make a documentary called Africa Salutes Mandela.
June 20 1999
Former president Nelson Mandela flew to Mocambique on Thursday morning to fulfil a last engagement before beginning a well-deserved holiday in the west African country of Gabon.
June 27 1999
Former African presidents Nelson Mandela, Julius Nyerere and Sir Ketumile Masire are likely to be called on regularly to promote the cause of Africa.
June 28 1999
The African National Congress on Saturday night bade farewell to its retired leader and former South African president Nelson Mandela.
June 30 1999
The Standard Bank National Arts Festival had a proud history of turning South Africa's division and conflict into a celebration of unity and diversity
July 06 1999
Retirement from the presidency is like being "out of jail for the second time.
July 17 1999
Retired president Nelson Mandela will have a quiet 81st birthday on Sunday.
August 06 1999
One of the legacies of Machel's present husband, Nelson Mandela, will be a huge forest of indigenous trees.
August 20 1999
The codes used by African National Congress political prisoners on Robben Island have been disclosed for the first time by Ahmed Kathrada in a new boo
August 25 1999
Nepal is honouring former president Nelson Mandela with an award dedicated to the memory of a Nepalese revolutionary.
September 09 1999
Former president Nelson Mandela left South Africa on Wednesday for a visit to Germany, Tunisia, Libya and the United States.
September 09 1999
Former South African president Nelson Mandela met former German chancellor Helmut Kohl in Berlin on Thursday.
September 09 1999
Former president Nelson Mandela on Tuesday received a transcript of the original judgment in his 1961 treason trial.
September 23 1999
Former president Nelson Mandela's Houghton, Johannesburg, office was flooded with 20000 postcards and letters.
September 23 1999
When you're tired of reports of crime, rape, murder and general mayhem, put Nelson Mandela: The Symbol of a Nation CD in your computer.
September 24 1999
The Springboks got a warm send off to the Rugby World Cup in Wales when their most famous fan, former president Nelson Mandela, made a surprise visit.
September 28 1999
The former Transkei parliament, Umtata's Bunga building, will be converted to house all the gifts received by Mandela during his term of office.
October 16 1999
Former South African president Nelson Mandela called for greater world cooperation in Tehran on Saturday as he arrived for a three-day visit with Iranian leaders.
October 18 1999
Former president Nelson Mandela arrived in Jerusalem on Monday on his first visit to the Jewish state.
October 31 1999
Former South African leader Nelson Mandela has claimed the backing of key Arab leaders for a three-point Middle East peace plan.
November 08 1999
Former president Nelson Mandela on Sunday said his predecessor F.W. de Klerk deserved a place in history and he had no regrets about sharing the 1993 Nobel Peace Prize with
November 12 1999
Bill Gates's embattled Microsoft was highly praised on Thursday by none other than former president Nelson Mandela.
November 16 1999
Former president Nelson Mandela persuaded striker Philemon Masinga to face Sweden on November 27 in Pretoria.
November 16 1999
Australian Prime Minister John Howard bestowed his country's highest honour, on former President Nelson Mandela.
November 28 1999
Former president Nelson Mandela on Friday flew to Tanzania to pay his respects to the Nyerere family following the death of former president Julius Nyerere on October 14.
November 30 1999
The Nelson Mandela Museum in the old Transkei parliament buildings in Umtata will be opened on February 11 next year.
December 01 1999
African leaders on Wednesday appointed former South African President Nelson Mandela as the new mediator for Burundi's fragile peace process.
December 02 1999
Robben Island have been declared world heritage sites by the United Nations' culture and science body.
December 02 1999
The United States said it supports the appointment of former president Nelson Mandela to be the new mediator in Burundi.
December 03 1999
As the new mediator in the Burundi crisis, Nelson Mandela will have to work hard to convince the key players in the strife that they can benefit from peace.
December 15 1999
Former president Nelson Mandela will leave South Africa for Berlin, Germany, on Wednesday night to launch the "Cities without Slums" initiative.
December 15 1999
Former president Nelson Mandela was the VIP victim of a BBC television show in which experts spring a surprise garden makeover.
January 06 2000
EthnicTutsis in Burundi opposed to talks aimed at bringing an end to more than six years of civil war have called on newly appointed mediator Nelson Mandela to visit the
January 19 2000
Burundi's main rebel group said on Tuesday that former president Nelson Mandela has already brought peace closer.
February 11 2000
Former president Nelson Mandela will mark the 10th anniversary on Friday of his release from 27 years in apartheid jails by opening a museum.
February 11 2000
It seems to be well on the way to becoming a shrine, this room, judging by the numbers of pilgrims gathering at its iron door every day.
February 28 2000
Former president Nelson Mandela arrived in Dubai on Sunday for a visit that will include a conference on Emirati economic development.
April 17 2000
Former president Nelson Mandela is to appear in a new telecoms advertisement to be aired in Italy.
April 28 2000
Former South African President Nelson Mandela met Burundi's army chiefs on Friday.
April 29 2000
Former president Nelson Mandela on Saturday visited the survivors of last month's nightclub stampede and their families.
April 30 2000
Former president Nelson Mandela on Saturday visited the survivors of last month's nightclub stampede and their families
May 03 2000
Former president Nelson Mandela is to be created a queen's counsel by the House of Lords in London.
May 26 2000
Former President Nelson Mandela says a landmark draft agreement has been worked out between rebels and the government that could finally end the long-running Burundi civil war.
June 06 2000
Former president Nelson Mandela, chief mediator in Burundi's peace process, is to meet Burundian President Pierre Buyoya and Defence Minister Cyrille Ndayirukiye on Wednesday.
June 07 2000
Former president Nelson Mandela will meet Burundi military strongman Pierre Buyoya.
June 08 2000
Former president Nelson Mandela said he believes his successor Thabo Mbeki has done a good job during his first year as president.
June 13 2000
President Nelson Mandela said on Monday while visiting Finland that he is confident that South Africa and the European Union will reach a deal on a fr
June 14 2000
Former President Nelson Mandela is due to visit one of Burundi's controversial "regroupment camps" as he continues his mission to try to bring peace to the troubled country.
July 05 2000
Former president Nelson Mandela, mediator in the peace process for Burundi, said on Tuesday he was "confident we will have a breakthrough" when talks resume this month in Arusha, Tanzania.
July 28 2000
Nelson Mandela, who is mediating the Burundi peace process, failed to secure an agreement last week, but now says a deal will be signed on August 28.
August 04 2000
Former president Nelson Mandela has been asked to mediate in the Middle East peace process.
August 06 2000
The president of Burundi, Pierre Buyoya arrived in South Africa on Thursday for talks with former President Nelson Mandela aimed at resolving problems over a proposed peace plan for Burundi.
September 14 2000
Three Tutsi parties from Burundi agreed to sign a peace accord, mediator Nelson Mandela said after talks.
September 20 2000
Former South African president Nelson Mandela and regional African leaders have begun arriving in Kenya for a summit aimed at consolidating a fragile peace accord in the tiny nation of
September 29 2000
Nelson Mandela is to appear in a R2-billion advertising campaign for the United Nations Children's Fund (Unicef) to be directed by Steven Spielberg.
October 02 2000
Former South African president Nelson Mandela is among the first winners of the new Pan-African Broadcast Heritage.
October 14 2000
Shock waves from the Middle-East have now spread to South Africa with violent protests in Pretoria that left two policemen injured - and former president Nelson Mandela has offered to
November 03 2000
Former South African President Nelson Mandela said this week he was prepared to help Middle East peace efforts if possible.
November 05 2000
Former President Nelson Mandela will be interviewed by television talk show host Oprah Winfrey.
November 07 2000
Burundi's peace process facilitator, South African former president Nelson Mandela, has expressed concern over the slow progress on ceasefire talks in Burundi.
November 26 2000
Former South African President Nelson Mandela has received the International Freedom Award from a museum at the site where US civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated in
February 04 2001
Former South African President Nelson Mandela has called for the United Nations to lift sanctions against Libya.
February 11 2001
A court recording of former president Nelson Mandela's last speech before he was sentenced to life imprisonment will on Sunday be released.
February 12 2001
A court recording of former president Nelson Mandela's last speech before he was sentenced to life imprisonment has been released.
February 19 2001
President Pierre Buyoya of Burundi has flown to South Africa for a week of talks with peace mediator Nelson Mandela and Vice President Jacob Zuma.
February 25 2001
Former president Nelson Mandela received the Life Time Award from the first Soweto Awards in Johannesburg on Saturday night.
February 27 2001
urundian parties have failed to reach consensus on the shape of their future transitional government, despite pressure from African states.
March 02 2001
Former president Nelson Mandela spent an hour on Wednesday morning talking to Mail &Guardian editor Howard Barrell and associate editor Sipho Seepe.
April 08 2001
Former South African President Nelson Mandela will be guest of honour at a spectacular rock concert in London.
May 08 2001
Former president Nelson Mandela is to write a second, and potentially more controversial, autobiography.
May 08 2001
Former South African president Nelson Mandela is writing a second autobiography as a follow-up to his first book, "Long Walk to Freedom".
May 25 2001
Former South African president Nelson Mandela has arrived in Sharjah for a visit of several days to the United Arab Emirates.
May 31 2001
Local business leaders want to build a gigantic statue of Nelson Mandela - bigger even than the Statue of Liberty .
June 01 2001
Nelson Mandela stopped to shake the hand of a young boy and asked what he wanted to be when he grew up.
June 22 2001
Former South African president Nelson Mandela is to share a stage with Mick Jagger, U2 and a bevy of models in a charity concert in Barcelona.
July 18 2001
South Africans, both black and white, heaped praise on revered African statesman Nelson Mandela on Wednesday.
September 09 2001
Former president Nelson Mandela paid a moving tribute Saturday to Govan Mbeki.
September 16 2001
Former president Nelson Mandela on Friday gave jailed student Andrew Babeile R20 000 to further his studies while in the Kimberley Prison, the African National Congress Youth League said.
September 18 2001
South African former president Nelson Mandela left South Africa on Monday to take a well-deserved two-week holiday at a secret location with his wife.
October 12 2001
"If I succumb to cancer and go to the next world, the first thing I will do there is look for the ANC branch.
October 29 2001
Chief mediator in the Burundi peace process, Nelson Mandela, has called on international donors to double to $880-million the amount of aid they pledged to Burundi.
November 01 2001
Former president Nelson Mandela made a strong plea for world peace after receiving the Newsmaker of the Decade award.
November 13 2001
Former South African president Nelson Mandela made a brief visit to Tripoli on Sunday during which he met Libyan leader Muammer Gaddafi.
November 30 2001
The voice of Nelson Mandela, imprisoned in 1964 and sworn in as South Africa's president 30 years later, was preserved forever on Thursday.
December 02 2001
Former South African President Nelson Mandela on Saturday praised world leaders who actively sought to combat Aids, particularly African presidents.
December 17 2001
Former president Nelson Mandela on Sunday appealed to the Gauteng African National Congress to keep up with changes after provincial supporters failed to sing the entire national anthem.
January 01 2002
It was a role reversal of sorts for sixty kwaito stars at Gold Reef City in Johannesburg on Wednesday -- a conservative looking grandfather with a walking stick.
January 01 2002
Former presidents Nelson Mandela of South Africa and Bill Clinton of the United States attended a ceremony on in support of the loveLife initiative.
January 01 2002
Former president Nelson Mandela was his old humorous self as he welcomed one head of state after another at his Houghton, Johannesburg home on Tuesday morning.
January 01 2002
South Africans should do more to care for mentally disabled children in society said former president Nelson Mandela at his brithday.
January 01 2002
Former president Nelson Mandela has invited a group of the world's wealthiest people to travel to South Africa in April next year as part to raise funds for disadvantaged students
January 01 2002
Libyan leader Moammer Gaddafi and former South African president and Nobel peace prize winner Nelson Mandela spoke by phone on Saturday on the possible US military strike on Iraq.
January 01 2002
The Greek government has extended an invitation to Nelson Mandela to officiate at an Olympic Truce event at the Athens Concert Hall.
January 01 2002
On Monday Mandela will return to his final place of captivity to mark the conversion into a museum of a jail.
February 17 2002
Nelson Mandela has called for an end to the debate on HIV/Aids, saying South Africans should focus on fighting the syndrome.
March 04 2002
Former president Nelson Mandela on Sunday proposed a radical challenge to South Africa's Aids policy.
March 07 2002
Former president Nelson Mandela on Thursday praised Gauteng premier Mbhazima Shilowa for his stance on the provision of an anti-Aids drug.
April 10 2002
Former president Nelson Mandela,capped, gowned and glowing, with his Rhodes University honorary doctorate in hand.
June 05 2002
Former President Nelson Mandela is to visit the Libyan man imprisoned for the Lockerbie bombing, his representative Zelda la Grange confirmed on Wednesday.
July 18 2002
Nelson Mandela turned 84 on Thursday and will celebrate on Saturday by hosting a sports fixture for children with mental and physical disabilities in Polokwane.
September 18 2002
Nelson Mandela is engaged in a campaign to open up space for debate in the ANC ahead of the party's national conference in December.
September 30 2002
Say what you like about Nelson Mandela, but he is not a man known to bear a grudge or lose his temper easily.
January 29 2003
A South African producer is turn the story of Nelson Mandela into a big screen epic capturing his life from childhood, to political awareness, 10 000 days of imprisonment and
February 06 2003
A R4-million school will be built in an informal settlement, Marokolong, near Hammanskraal, north of Pretoria after a successful partnership was brokered between the Nelson Mandela Foundation, the North West
February 07 2003
A set of 20 lithographs will go on sale today. Costing between R36 000 and R42 000 per copy, they may seem a little expensive for simple line drawings shaded
May 08 2003
Nelson Mandela was lauded on Wednesday for his work to improve the physical and emotional lot of children and for his contribution to their literary world.
June 27 2003
Former president Nelson Mandela once again condemned the United States for the war on Iraq saying "anybody, especially a leader of a super state country to work outside the United
July 04 2003
Former South African president Nelson Mandela could act as a "facilitator" between India and Pakistan to resolve their dragging dispute over Kashmir, the state's former chief minister said on Friday.
July 06 2003
Anthony Sampson, who has known Nelson Mandela for 50 years, pays a birthday tribute to the statesman and world icon.
July 11 2003
Nelson Mandela unveiled a plaque to two anti-apartheid activists in London.
July 14 2003
Noisy demonstrators demanding funds for HIV drugs in the developing world disrupted a major conference on Aids here on Monday but in doing so gained the beaming support of former
July 15 2003
The world's best-loved statesman, Nelson Mandela, turns 85 on Friday and well-wishers can now send their personal congratulations to him on the internet.
Post your birthday message
July 15 2003
South Africa's living legend Nelson Mandela turns 85 on Friday and organisers are planning to give the elderly statesman a three-day birthday bash.
July 15 2003
Former South African president Nelson Mandela seduces audiences with his wit, then often bludgeons them with his observations.
July 15 2003
When Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela turns 85 on July 18, one of his well-wishers will be the long-time Irish chaplain to the prison where he spent 18 years.
July 15 2003
Former South African President Nelson Mandela is being honoured online ahead of his 85th birthday -- on Friday July 18.
July 17 2003
One of the most recognised public figures today, Mandela origins were far from auspicious. Here we outline a brief chronology of his multi-faceted life.
July 17 2003
He added a postscript: “Must find Madiba a job, because old men get up to mischief.” That, too, has proved not entirely flippant.
July 17 2003
For what shall we thank Nelson Mandela? Shall we thank him for all those months he spent on the run criss-crossing the country and, like an elusive rabbit, dashing into
July 17 2003
The universe is fixated on Nelson Mandela because he is a man of the future and not the past.
July 17 2003
South Africa's semi-privatised telephone utility Telkom is facilitating a quest for a world record for the most birthday wishes ever received by an individual on one day.
July 17 2003
In celebration of former president Nelson Mandela's 85th birthday on Friday, he was handed a book highlighting his speeches and tributes paid to him by world leaders.
July 18 2003
Officially it is a time of joy. Nelson Mandela turns 85 today and South Africa will party into the weekend in a blaze of banquets and celebrations attended by pop
July 18 2003
More than 5 000 birthday messages including 523 from overseas were conveyed to telephone numbers for former president Nelson Mandela before 7am on Friday, Telkom SA reported.
July 18 2003
South Africa's Jewish community added its voice to the millions wishing former president Nelson Mandela happy birthday on his 85th on Friday.
July 18 2003
Former president Nelson Mandela's 85th birthday brought a golden sunny day to his Houghton, Johannesburg, home on Friday.
July 18 2003
Local songbirds and international divas are billed to perform at Nelson Mandela's 85th birthday bash in Sandton on Saturday.
July 18 2003
Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela was born during the First World War on July 18, 1918, at Mvezo on the banks of the winding Mbashe River, also known as the Bashee.
July 18 2003
Congratulatory messages continued to pour in to the special Telkom lines set up for a world-record-breaking attempt in honour of the iconic former South African president, Nelson Mandela.
July 20 2003
It took 2 000 people to put together 1 600 people for Nelson Mandela's birthday party in Sandton on Saturday night.
August 26 2003
On Monday morning the seemingly tireless Nelson Mandela (85) attended two meetings in Cape Town.
September 22 2003
The youth have to take the lead in a social revolution against HIV/Aids in a similar way to the revolution against apartheid.
October 21 2003
Former president Nelson Mandela has joined forces with famous musicians and called on the globe's citizens to join a global campaign.
November 06 2003
A surprise meeting with Nelson Mandela on Robben Island made a moving finale on Wednesday for the visit of the Fifa technical team weighing up South Africa's 2010 world cup
November 10 2003
Former president Nelson Mandela was his usual humorous self on Sunday when he went to a voting station in Johannesburg.
April 02 2004
A spree to baptise roads, bridges, public places and universities after South Africa's anti-apartheid icon Nelson Mandela continues unabated..
April 14 2004
Voting came to a temporary stop at the Transvaal Automobile Club in Houghton, Johannesburg, when South Africa's favourite pensioner cast his vote.
May 03 2004
Nelson Mandela is to begin a gradual withdrawal from public life it was reported on Sunday amid fears for the former South African president's health. He turns 86 in July,
May 10 2004
Former South African President Nelson Mandela said it was his wish that South Africans never gave up on the belief in goodness.
June 01 2004
Former South African president Nelson Mandela announced his retirement from public life on Tuesday.
July 01 2004
Nelson Mandela's birthplace in Mveso and the Egazini battlefield near Grahamstown could be proclaimed national heritage sites.
July 07 2004
Former South African president Nelson Mandela is to address a major international Aids conference in Bangkok, Thailand, next week.
July 16 2004
South African elder statesman Nelson Mandela, who turns 86 on Sunday.
July 17 2004
Birthday tributes have started pouring in for former president Nelson Mandela who turns 86 on Sunday.
July 18 2004
Birthday wishes poured in on Sunday for former president Nelson Mandela, who turned 86.
July 23 2004
The city of Johannesburg bestowed its highest honour on former president Nelson Mandela on Friday.
July 26 2004
What a week. That grand figure, Rolihlahla Nelson Mandela, celebrated his 86th birthday.
September 09 2004
Nelson Mandela is neither a god nor a saint, he's got vices and virtues like any other person, says his personal assistant Zelda la Grange.
September 21 2004
South African anti-apartheid hero Nelson Mandela was reunited on Tuesday with two notebooks that were confiscated from him while in prison.
September 24 2004
For three decades the notebooks gathered dust in a cupboard, unknown to the world, forgotten even by their author.
December 06 2004
Private letters handwritten by anti-apartheid icon Nelson Mandela while imprisoned at Robben Island off Cape Town have revealed touching details.
April 14 2005
An academic has come forward with what appears to be the first Mandela art fraud.
June 10 2005
South Africa's anti-apartheid struggle hero Nelson Mandela will be joined by pop superstars Peter Gabriel and Annie Lennox at charity concert.
July 02 2005
Overcoming poverty is not a gesture of charity but an act of justice, former president and freedom icon Nelson Mandela said.
July 07 2005
Former president Nelson Mandela will not have a high-profile birthday -- on July 18 -- this year, the Nelson Mandela Foundation said on Thursday.
July 09 2005
South Africa's first black president, Nelson Mandela, is to become a comic-strip hero in a new project aimed at encouraging young people to read.
July 11 2005
People should use condoms and not have sex too young, said former president Nelson Mandela on Monday.
July 13 2005
Former president Nelson Mandela is an inspiration to the youth to strive for greatness rather than material success.
July 14 2005
New information and pictures of former president Nelson Mandela, his life and his time in prison will be available to South Africa from November.
July 15 2005
The Springbok rugby team joined former president Nelson Mandela to see off the 46664 vehicle.
July 18 2005
The African National Congress on Sunday extended its "warmest wishes and congratulations" to former president Nelson Mandela on his 87th birthday.
July 18 2005
Tributes poured in for South Africa's former president Nelson Mandela who turned 87 on Monday.
July 20 2005
"iNantsoke [there you are]," exclaimed Nelson Mandela in Johannesburg on Wednesday as he cut his huge white birthday cake at the children's party.
August 05 2005
Poor Ismail Ayob. Even if he wins, he loses -- because his opponent is Nelson Mandela. And so Mandela's court case against his former lawyer Ayob, who he accuses of
September 01 2005
The Nelson Mandela Children's Fund donated R1-million on Thursday to the Children's Hospital Trust for the refurbishment of the Red Cross War Memorial
September 21 2005
West Indian cricketing legend Brian Lara on Tuesday met another hero, former South African president Nelson Mandela.
October 26 2005
Old allies in the human rights struggle, former president Nelson Mandela and United States civil rights activist Jesse Jackson, meet again.
October 28 2005
One of the world's most popular men, Nelson Mandela, has been immortalised in a comic-book series covering his life.
March 01 2006
Nelson Mandela, the country's first democratically elected president, voted in Houghton, Johannesburg, on Wednesday.
March 16 2006
Identifying with the lead character in the Oscar-winning local film 'Tsotsi', former president Nelson Mandela proved a masterful storyteller.
June 14 2006
A statuette depicting the famous photograph of a wounded Hector Pieterson cradled in a friend's arms was presented to former president Nelson Mandela.
June 23 2006
An historian is leading a search for a handgun that Nelson Mandela buried at a farm outside Johannesburg before his arrest by apartheid police in 1962, the owner of the
June 30 2006
Music and storytelling marked the celebrations of former president Nelson Mandela's birthday in Johannesburg on Tuesday.
July 09 2006
I don't want to see folks satisfied when they talk about Nelson Mandela. He constitutes such a challenge to us -- an intellectual challenge..
July 12 2006
Nelson Mandela's legacy of tolerance was celebrated in Johannesburg on Wednesday. "For me, the meaning of Mandela is the idea of plurality and tolerance of ideas. That's the biggest challenge
July 13 2006
As the anti-apartheid icon turns 88 and increasingly shuns the limelight.
July 13 2006
Nelson Mandela and former United States president Bill Clinton teamed up on Thursday to raise funds for African children with heart problems.
July 17 2006
Anti-apartheid icon Nelson Mandela turns 88 on Tuesday.
July 17 2006
Congratulations and well wishes from local political parties and labour organisations are streaming in for former president Nelson Mandela.
July 18 2006
Former South African president Nelson Mandela said on Monday he "never imagined" reaching the age of 88.
July 31 2006
Adekeye Adebajo argues that the formation of the Mandela Rhodes Foundation is a dubious attempt to rehabilitate the legacy of Rhodes and bemoans Mandela’s association with this attempt. However, his
August 30 2006
It's the 'Lord of the Rings' of music concerts. The cast is stellar, the sets dramatic and the costumes fancy, and it carries on for hours.
September 19 2006
Anti-apartheid icon Nelson Mandela will be awarded Amnesty International's "Ambassador of Conscience" award.
October 03 2006
Former president Nelson Mandela has thanked India for its immense influence on South Africa's struggle for freedom from the oppression of apartheid.
October 10 2006
The new biography of Nelson Mandela is not just another book on the former president, but conveys his values, Minister of Finance Trevor Manuel said on Monday. "Perhaps the strongest
October 20 2006
When she was offered the opportunity to attend the launch of Mandela: The Authorised Portrait and meet the man himself, Kabuika Kamunga jumped at the chance.
October 26 2006
Africa's political leaders are being offered a $5-million prize and a stipend for life if they do not plunder the national coffers or rig elections.
November 01 2006
We're all familiar with the saying “nothing sells quite as well as success”. Except that is, when it comes to selling images of Nelson Mandela, South Africa's most famous media
November 01 2006
Amnesty International bestowed its most prestigious honour -- the Ambassador of Conscience Award 2006 -- on former president Nelson Mandela.
November 16 2006
Former president Nelson Mandela will become the first recipient of the Ubuntu Award for his contribution to South Africa's heritage.
December 14 2006
Christmas starts early for the world's favourite elder statesman, Nelson Mandela. Staff members of the flagship Nelson Mandela Foundation are busy listing and storing the latest batch of goodies flooding
January 29 2007
Anti-apartheid icon Nelson Mandela joined top leaders, Nobel laureates and elder statesmen in calling on the world to reinvent non-violent approach to solving conflicts.
January 30 2007
Champion United States female boxer Laila Ali said on Tuesday that 88-year-old anti-apartheid icon Nelson Mandela reminded her of her father Muhammad Ali, one of the greatest boxers of all
February 12 2007
Oscar-winning director Bille August has brought the memoirs of one of Nelson Mandela's jailers to the screen, with Dennis Haysbert playing the famous prisoner -- a part that he said
February 13 2007
Former president Nelson Mandela met Princess Caroline of Monaco at the Nelson Mandela Foundation in Johannesburg on Tuesday.
February 25 2007
Lawyers for former President Nelson Mandela will take Ismail Ayob to court over R2,2-million missing from the Nelson Mandela Trust, the Sunday Times reported in its early edition. They accuse
February 25 2007
Afrikaners better start packing and head out to the Heilbron Spar. Because old president Nelson Mandela is dead and the night of the long knives is coming. That is if
March 02 2007
Police are investigating possible links between the Boeremag, 23 of whose members are standing trial in Pretoria, and a far right-wing group called the "Suidlanders" (South landers). The Suidlanders shot
March 28 2007
Twenty undergraduate students who received the Mandela Rhodes Scholarship last year were congratulated by former president Nelson Mandela in Houghton, Johannesburg, on Wednesday.
April 20 2007
A London council has decided where to place a statue of former South African president Nelson Mandela, after five years of wrangling, it announced late on Thursday. The sculpture will
June 15 2007
The Springboks will draw on inspiration from former president Nelson Mandela when they meet Australia at Newlands on Saturday. The sides meet in a Mandela Challenge Plate match which doubles
June 20 2007
Records from the trial of Nelson Mandela, a medieval French tapestry, a millennium-old Iranian epic and the Hollywood movie The Wizard of Oz are among 38 new items on a
June 23 2007
Veteran United States actor Morgan Freeman is to play former South African president Nelson Mandela in a drama based around the leader's appearance at the 1995 Rugby World Cup, it
July 12 2007
Pele and Samuel Eto'o headed the list of international stars on Thursday when Fifa announced the line-ups for a match to honour Nelson Mandela's 89th birthday. More than 50 players
July 16 2007
Soccer's ruling body, Fifa, is preparing to send out a powerful message against racism this week through a string of events to mark the 89th birthday of South Africa's anti-apartheid
July 17 2007
July 17 2007
July 17 2007
July 18 2007
July 18 2007
July 18 2007
July 18 2007
July 18 2007
July 19 2007
July 19 2007
July 19 2007
July 24 2007
August 29 2007
Former South African president Nelson Mandela on Wednesday announced a giant benefit concert in London next June to promote his 46664 campaign against HIV/Aids. The gig will take place in
September 05 2007
Former French president Jacques Chirac on Wednesday discussed his plans to set up a foundation with Nelson Mandela, who is on a private visit to France to raise funds for
September 15 2007
Health Minister Manto Tshabalala-Msimang on Friday paid tribute to former president Nelson Mandela and the late Steve Biko at a South African Medical Association award ceremony. Tshabalala-Msimang said Mandela highlighted
September 17 2007
A council of peacemaking world leaders and Nobel laureates launched by former South African president Nelson Mandela is taking up Darfur as its first mission, with a trip to Sudan
September 25 2007
October 01 2007
Johannesburg will stage a 46664 HIV/Aids awareness concert on World Aids Day for the first time, former president Nelson Mandela announced on Monday. Mandela said the concert, which will take
October 15 2007
October 18 2007
October 21 2007
December 06 2007
Holding the reigns of the ox-wagon that is pulling his father's coffin, Nkosinathi Biko sits alone and solemnly among the masses of people. Surrounded by a throng of supporters, angry
February 07 2008
Liliesleaf Farm in Rivionia, north of Johannesburg, will reopen in June 2008 for people wanting to tour the former secret headquarters of the African National Congress's Umkhonto we Sizwe. The
February 12 2008
After a five year contract that kept her in Las Vegas, pop diva Celine Dion is keeping a promise she made to former South African president Nelson Mandela by kicking
February 19 2008
The Spice Girls would love to perform for former South African president Nelson Mandela, but said on Monday they had not yet been formally asked to be part of his
March 04 2008
Former South African president Nelson Mandela personally congratulated 23 students who were awarded the Mandela Rhodes scholarship for 2008 on Tuesday in Johannesburg. The 89-year-old Mandela slowly entered the room
March 26 2008
The Soweto Gospel Choir presented their second Grammy Award to former president Nelson Mandela at his foundation in Houghton on Wednesday. "We thank you for seeing us. We are here
May 07 2008
I am a middle-class child of the Y Generation -- the Why Generation. I came of age in the post-apartheid 1990s. We were taught to be brash, question authority, talk
May 15 2008
World famous scientist Stephen Hawking met former president Nelson Mandela in Johannesburg on Thursday. Said Hawking: "I admire how you managed to find a peaceful solution to a situation that
May 22 2008
Characters in the current crop of Broadway musicals include a murderous barber, a lovesick mermaid and the Swedish pop band, Abba. Now a new hero is to join them: Nelson
June 05 2008
The government's knee-jerk reaction to the pogroms that swept across the country speaks volumes to the politics of African nationalism. We were told they were "criminal" acts in the service
June 08 2008
It was just a farm, but what went on there was extraordinary: Nelson Mandela, disguised in blue overalls, plotting with other anti-apartheid leaders against South Africa's racist regime.
June 11 2008
The Nelson Mandela Foundation announced on Wednesday that it would launch a book in tribute to Madiba in his 90th year.
June 13 2008
The woman with the microphone and brightly coloured knit tam-o'-shanter is speaking in Nelson Mandela's name as she presses villagers to be honest about HIV/Aids.
June 23 2008
Former South African president Nelson Mandela arrived in Britain on Monday ahead of a 90th birthday concert in his honour in London's Hyde Park.
June 26 2008
The Nelson Mandela Museum is to run a year-long festival to celebrate the 90th birthday of the revered former president, Kader Asmal has announced.
June 27 2008
Among the many accolades showered on Nelson Mandela at a joint sitting of Parliament on Friday were some shining examples of his sense of humour.
June 28 2008
Stars of the screen, stage and sporting arena paid tribute on Friday to Nelson Mandela, whose visit to London was overshadowed by events in Zimbabwe.
July 07 2008
South Africa launched a special coin on Monday as part of celebrations for the 90th birthday of former president Nelson Mandela.
July 15 2008
Former South African president Nelson Mandela turns 90 on Friday amid an avalanche of birthday wishes for the world's best-loved statesman.
July 16 2008
Nelson Mandela celebrates his 90th birthday on Friday as a widely revered statesman, but SA faces a host of problems that challenge his dream.
July 17 2008
Birthday wishes for Nelson Mandela started trickling in on Thursday, a day before South Africa's most-adored politician celebrates his 90th.
July 17 2008
When crises break out -- Zimbabwe, crime, or violence against African immigrants -- South Africans expect to hear from Nelson Mandela.
July 18 2008
From Bill Clinton and 50 Cent to Kate Moss and Prince Charles, Madiba just loves that A-list buzz.
July 18 2008
Nelson Mandela is a world-historical icon who has enlarged human freedom and redefined humanist ideals, writes Drew Forrest.
July 18 2008
Sukasha Singh looks back at two occasions when she was lucky enough to meet Nelson Mandela.
July 18 2008
Gardeners mowed the lawn outside the museum honouring Nelson Mandela on Thursday, while a work crew laid new tarmac on the road outside his home.
July 18 2008
Awash with good wishes, South Africa's media highlighted the love and awe the country felt for Nelson Mandela on his 90th birthday on Friday.
July 18 2008
In celebration of Nelson Mandela's 90th birthday this week, Monako Dibetle asked children born in 1994 who they think Madiba is.
July 18 2008
It was a great moment for all of us to see the great man, in our minds lionised for being the first commander of Umkhonto weSizwe.
July 18 2008
Writing letters was the only way the imprisoned Nelson Mandela could communicate with his loved ones, writes Fikile-Ntsikelelo Moya.
July 18 2008
Nelson Mandela celebrated his 90th birthday on Friday by urging the wealthy to share their prosperity with the less fortunate.
July 18 2008
SA on Friday celebrated the 90th birthday of Nelson Mandela, a symbol of reconciliation in a nation torn by doubt and nostalgia for his leadership.
July 19 2008
Guests cheered, a choir sang and a smiling Nelson Mandela welcomed hundreds of well-wishers on Saturday as SA formally celebrated his 90th birthday.
July 20 2008
That statue. It's an awful thing. With its tiny little head. Frozen with that smile. Frozen in that dance.
August 02 2008
Now as much as ever in its history, SA requires disciplined leaders, Nelson Mandela said at a birthday celebration in his honour on Saturday.
August 04 2008
Former president Nelson Mandela paid a surprise visit to a hospice near Alexandra township in Johannesburg on Monday, his office said.
August 12 2008
From the Cape Flats to the president's residence, chef Hilton Little has taken great strides in his culinary career, writes Brent Meersman.
August 20 2008
The same logic that saw Thabo Mbeki replaced as party president should apply to those who seem to think they represent their own jackets.
August 21 2008
Nelson Mandela made a rare joint appearance with his former wife Winnie on Thursday at the unveiling of a huge bronze statue.
September 26 2008
Nelson Mandela on Friday congratulated new President Kgalema Motlanthe, saying the country was in "good hands" after a week of political turmoil.
November 03 2008
In 1990, a few months after his release from jail, Nelson Mandela toured the United States and helped cement Americans' popular associations with SA.
November 05 2008
Anti-apartheid icon Nelson Mandela on Wednesday congratulated United States president-elect Barack Obama on his election victory.
November 10 2008
A visit to the Nelson Mandela Museum in Mthatha
provides Niren Tolsi with temporary shelter from the hurly-burly of the Eastern Cape.
November 18 2008
Don't worry, Nelson Mandela can laugh at himself. At least that's the opinion of Jonathan Shapiro, SA's leading political cartoonist for 20 years.
December 16 2008
Nelson Mandela collected yet another laurel on Monday, this time from an elite forum of fellow former world leaders.
December 18 2008
Hunger for Freedom, a cook book that details the favourite foods of former president Nelson Mandela, has won an international award.
April 28 2009
Where the English have football, South Africans have politics. This occurred to me as I stood near the stadium where SA will host the World Cup final.
July 11 2009
Nelson Mandela has distanced himself from a London exhibition of disputed lithographs bearing his signature, his lawyer said on Friday.
July 13 2009
Nelson Mandela has launched a last-ditch attempt to prevent a London gallery using his name on an exhibition of prison sketches.
July 15 2009
Nelson Mandela on Tuesday called on people to dedicate their time and effort to serving their communities, as his life is celebrated on July 18.
July 15 2009
Former president, struggle hero and arguably the world's most celebrated political icon, Nelson Mandela, turns 91 on Saturday.
July 16 2009
As Nelson Mandela turns 91 on Saturday, his family and his foundation are trying to harness his status to promote community service on his birthday.
July 16 2009
Zapiro has, over the years, often featured Nelson Mandela in his work. Here are some of the cartoons of Madiba made exclusively for the M&G.
July 16 2009
Over the years, the world sat back and listened as the respected Nelson Mandela spoke on a host of topics. Here is a selection of his speeches.
July 16 2009
Is the obsession with all things Madiba in South Africa not as strong as it once was? Could the country be suffering from Mandela burnout?
July 16 2009
Nelson Mandela devoted many years to the struggle against apartheid. Some of the images of those years were immortalised in struggle posters.
July 17 2009
As Nelson Mandela turns 91, we sifted through the archives at YouTube and found some of the highlights from the great man's life.
July 17 2009
Nelson Mandela is 91, his athlete's body is frail and he has all but disappeared from public life. As an icon, Mandela is more robust than ever.
July 17 2009
Judging by the responses to a street survey this week, ordinary South Africans probably won't be spending 67 minutes giving something back.
July 17 2009
FW De Klerk has added his voice to the birthday wishes for Nelson Mandela, who turns 91 on Saturday.
July 18 2009
Things to do in Johannesburg today: pose for photos beside the six-metre-high bronze statue of Nelson Mandela in Nelson Mandela Square.
July 18 2009
Former SA president Nelson Mandela is healthy and even more vigorous at 91-years-old, said Nelson Mandela Foundation chief executive Achmat Dangor.
July 19 2009
Dozens of big-name performers and actors gathered at a major charity concert in New York late on Saturday to pay tribute to Nelson Mandela.
July 22 2009
On Saturday people all over the world were encouraged to dedicate 67 minutes of their time to changing the world around them for the better.
August 01 2009
Former president Nelson Mandela visited the proposed site of children's hospital at the University of the Witwatersrand on Friday.
August 01 2009
A South African policeman guarding Nelson Mandela committed suicide at the former president's home on Saturday, a police spokesperson said.
October 07 2009
Those who were tortured and assassinated during the apartheid era should be the ones being honoured, struggle veteran Ahmed Kathrada said on Tuesday.
October 14 2009
Although the three calculations jotted on the back of a piece of paper do not look like much, the neat rows of black figures offer a brutal precis.
October 23 2009
That it is a book not yet assembled did not deter almost every major book-publishing territory from bidding for Conversations with Myself.
November 11 2009

The UN General Assembly on Tuesday declared July 18 "Nelson Mandela International Day" to mark the anti-apartheid leader's contribution to peace.
December 09 2009

Oscar-winning star Morgan Freeman said on Tuesday he felt he did "a good job" portraying Nelson Mandela in Clint Eastwood's Invictus.
December 11 2009

International actors need some serious training to pick up our local ways of speaking, and even then, there are limits.
January 31 2010
Hilda Ndude, who appeared in an iconic photograph the day Mandela was freed, remains loyal to him -- but fears that his legacy has been squandered.
January 31 2010

The Nelson Mandela Foundation broke its silence over its handling of former president Nelson Mandela's hospitalisation on Monday.
February 02 2010
Twenty years after announcing Nelson Mandela's release from prison, former SA president FW de Klerk commemorated the speech.
February 02 2010
Former president FW de Klerk on Tuesday celebrated the 20th anniversary of his historic speech at the opening of Parliament in 1990.
February 05 2010
Nelson Mandela will attend an event at Groot Drakenstein jail next Thursday to commemorate his release from prison 20 years ago.
February 08 2010

Nelson Mandela walked out of an apartheid prison 20 years ago on Thursday, beginning South Africa's march to democracy and reconciliation.
February 10 2010
Archbishop Desmond Tutu on Wednesday urged all South Africans to recapture the spirit of the day Nelson Mandela was released from prison.
February 11 2010

SA on Thursday marks the moment that Nelson Mandela emerged after 27 years behind bars, ushering in a transition from apartheid to democracy.
February 11 2010

Thousands of South Africans on Thursday marked 20 years since Nelson Mandela walked to freedom after 27 years as a political prisoner.
February 12 2010

Battered by scandal and facing a divided ANC, President Jacob Zuma sought on Thursday to dress his presidency in robes borrowed from Nelson Mandela.
February 12 2010
Feverish preparations to receive the jailed leader could never have been perfect -- there was no precedent.
February 12 2010
We ask some of South Africa's most prominent people where they were 20 years ago when Nelson Mandela was released from prison.
February 13 2010
One of Nelson Mandela's Rivonia lawyers confessed on Friday how he tried -- and failed -- to stop the ANC leader using one of the most famous phrases.
February 19 2010
Inevitably, all the former houses of Nelson Mandela are a tourist draw. Last week another former Mandela home was named a national memorial site.
March 15 2010
Officials are considering a plan to demolish Chancellor House -- Nelson Mandela's former law office -- and turn the area into an "open urban space".
April 28 2010

Nelson Mandela plans to skip the opening ceremony of the Soccer World Cup finals in South Africa in June and will watch the tournament from home.
April 29 2010

The top South African World Cup organiser says his country is prepared to have United States President Barack Obama visit during the tournament.
May 12 2010

The Nelson Mandela Foundation on Wednesday began a 67-day countdown to Nelson Mandela Day on July 18.
June 02 2010

Fifa president Sepp Blatter said on Wednesday he hopes Nelson Mandela will attend the opening of the Soccer World Cup next week.
June 08 2010

Nelson Mandela will likely greet fans and players at the Soccer World Cup opening ceremony before watching the rest of the game from home.
June 10 2010

World Cup organiser Danny Jordaan says the excitement ahead of the tournament reminds him of the day before Nelson Mandela was released from prison.
June 12 2010

South African fans declared their undying hope for Bafana Bafana on Friday night, encouraged by its draw against Mexico in the opening match.
June 14 2010

The United States president, Barack Obama, will join forces with Nelson Mandela to mount an assault on the bestseller charts.
June 19 2010

There could not be a more poignant moment for the release of a book about Nelson Mandela's personal life, writes Mark Gevisser.
July 11 2010

Nelson Mandela briefly visited the stadium just before the World Cup final between Spain and The Netherlands on Sunday.
July 11 2010

The World Cup's closing ceremony proved an entirely more glamorous affair than its opening counterpart.
July 14 2010

Nelson Mandela's birthday is around the corner and we want to publish your memories of the man.
July 15 2010

Nelson Mandela celebrates his 92nd birthday on Sunday, just one week after the World Cup showed off the successes of democratic South Africa.
July 15 2010

Tata Madiba turns 92 on Sunday, and will hopefully enjoy a long lie-in, a lazy brunch, and an afternoon with his grandchildren.
July 16 2010

Congratulatory messages continued to stream in on Friday for former president Nelson Mandela, two days ahead of the struggle icon's 92nd birthday.
July 18 2010

Nelson Mandela, South Africa's first black president, turns 92 on Sunday as the world celebrates the first international day in his honour.
July 19 2010

A South African community once riven by anti-foreigner violence came together on Sunday in the spirit of Nelson Mandela to play a little soccer.
July 19 2010
I have no desire to meet Nelson Mandela, writes Verashni Pillay.
September 03 2010

Fugitive former Thai prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra has appeared in Africa, where he says he is dealing in diamonds and visiting Nelson Mandela.
October 02 2010
The South African man whom supermodel Naomi Campbell testified she gave diamonds to is now facing criminal charges, an official said on Friday.
October 07 2010
Many people don't want to talk about it. Newspapers have been hammered for featuring an artist's musings on it.
October 10 2010
Letters penned in jail by Nelson Mandela reveal his anguish at being separated from his family in the collection Conversations with Myself.
October 10 2010

A collection of Nelson Mandela's papers reveals his years of heartache at missing his family while in prison and his wariness at becoming idolised.
October 12 2010

A book painting an intimate portrait of Nelson Mandela went on sale Tuesday, offering readers a personal look at the revered figure.
October 21 2010

Towering black Highveld storm clouds gathered overhead as Yiull Damaso unveiled his completed "Mandela corpse" artwork on Tuesday night.
November 29 2010

The set of US embassy cables released by WikiLeaks this weekend, which sent shockwaves through the world, has a South African twist.
November 29 2010

Leaked dispatch shows South African president FW de Klerk gave African National Congress leader set of release proposals for negotiation.
January 20 2011
The M&G's Faranaaz Parker rounds up five quirky things you may have missed over the last week.
January 28 2011

Former president Nelson Mandela remained in Milpark Hospital receiving care for an apparent respiratory condition on Thursday afternoon.
January 28 2011

While the Mandela family and ANC leaders visited Milpark on Thursday, the rest of the country huddled in the 'national waiting room'.
January 31 2011
It lies lost and buried beneath the ground. Verashni Pillay imagines what it may be used for.
January 31 2011

News of Nelson Mandela's hospital visit sparked wild rumours internationally. The M&G's Vuvu Vena gives her craziest five.
February 03 2011

Former president Nelson Mandela is recovering well from a respiratory infection and is in "good health", the government said on Thursday.
February 11 2011

The ANC and Cosatu on Friday paid tribute to Nelson Mandela on the 21st anniversary of his release from prison.
February 12 2011

Former South African president, 92, in good humour and looking forward to boxing, says Zindzi Mandela-Hlongwane.
February 15 2011

A good, peaceful death is as important as a good life and it requires the will of the living to let go.
March 08 2011
One man feels it the Berg will benefit if one mountain peak is named after Nelson Mandela but his suggestion has been met with concern.
March 08 2011

The Nelson Mandela Foundation and Google say they have begun digitising thousands of unseen Mandela files to make them available online.
March 17 2011

The owner of the house where Mandela buried his gun as a young freedom fighter is reportedly asking unaffordable price for it to be returned.
March 28 2011
"Nelson Mandela International Day" was launched by a panel of schoolchildren on Monday in the absence of the recuperating former president.
April 18 2011

Nelson Mandela is now on Twitter, after his foundation convinced a British man to hand over the @NelsonMandela account, his office said on Monday.
April 18 2011

To remember Madiba, we need to take the reins off his symbolic representation, writes Eve Fairbanks.
May 09 2011
Almost half a century ago, Nelson Mandela walked 20 paces from the kitchen of his hideout north of Johannesburg and dug a pit and buried a pistol.
May 13 2011

Former President Nelson Mandela will vote in Wednesday's local government elections, his daughter Zenani Dlamini said on Friday.
May 16 2011
Former president Nelson Mandela will cast a special vote at his Houghton home, north of Johannesburg, on Monday, the IEC said.
May 16 2011
An election official says former president Nelson Mandela has cast an early ballot in upcoming local elections and is looking "healthy and handsome".
May 17 2011

Former president Nelson Mandela is recovering well from his illness and in "good spirits", President Jacob Zuma said after visiting him on Tuesday
May 23 2011

Former president Nelson Mandela has flown to his birthplace in his first trip outside Johannesburg since leaving hospital in January.
June 02 2011

Nelson Mandela is on his way back to his home in Johannesburg following a recent visit to his birthplace in Qunu, the Presidency has said.