Share your memories of Madiba
Almost everyone has a Mandela story or photograph with the iconic statesman, who drew a fractured country together around him. We want to hear those stories and see those photographs as we celebrate one of the world's greatest leaders. Fill in the form below and share your Mandela experience.

Happy Earthday Elder!!! May you see many many more years, Ukhule ungayeki Tata!!!!
Added 1 decade ago

Long live Madiba! I will forever remember the Madiba Jive. I have just completed your 2010 Conversations with myself with a foreword by president Barack Obama. The book is loaded with wisdom to humanity and for that I thank you.
Added 1 decade ago

My memory of Mandela... When ever i hear his name i remember the way news was all over that he was finally a free man! As much as I was really young I was still in the opinion that good he is out... At 72 his whole life is already wasted! Then he proved me Wrong - never have i appreciated being wrong When two and a half years later he was elected President... It was Amazing... For the event was a mark in South Africa,the world and World History... That is when i realised... if and when i want to do or achieve anything in life - it is possible no matter how old you were.... I Love him...
Happy Birthay Madiba...
Added 1 decade ago

We met Madiba at that tall hotel in Greenpoint, Cape Town. It must have been early 1994. We stayed there and I think ANC had a meeting at the hotel.
We were on our way out in the morning, but it was something in the air (security guards, easy to recognize, aren't they) in the lobby, so we sat down to see what will happen.
A few minutes later came a small convoy and out stepped Madiba.
In the lobby all the hotel staff had lined up and he shook hands with everybody. Not only with the staff, but also with the guests in the lobby; it was a Brazilian couple and us from Sweden. We were totally mesmerized and didn't wash our hands the whole day. It was so great, so warming to see this great man in person and even talk to him! Will never forget it.
Added 1 decade ago

Happy Birthday Madiba,
I am GG Gbovadeh Gbilia a Liberian living in America and recent MBA graduate from Howard University School of Business. Just wanted to say I love you and you are a true inspiration to me personally and a guiding light in the world.
Without you there would be no "WE"!
Best Regards,
Gbovadeh G. Gbilia, MBA - 2011
Added 1 decade ago

The measure of the man for me was when Madiba advocated for Mandela Day NOT to be a public holiday but a day of service to others. That said to me hands that serve are love in action. Thank you, Tata.
Added 1 decade ago

Tata, I will always salute you!
I will never forget the sacrifice you made for South Africa. Together with other comrades, you sacrificed all your lives for the liberation of South Africa.
I will always remember your leadership that kept the Nation intact during the death of Comrade Chris Hani.It was a difficult time for South Africa. Everyone was expecting bloodshed but throught your leadership, that never happened, instead you and the leadership of the ANC used that push for a date for national elections. The final result was the first democratic elections that led to a democratic South Africa.
Happy Birthday Tata!
Uyintonga engaxotyulwa-xolo!
Now it is in our hands to take this country forward!
Added 1 decade ago