Share your memories of Madiba
Almost everyone has a Mandela story or photograph with the iconic statesman, who drew a fractured country together around him. We want to hear those stories and see those photographs as we celebrate one of the world's greatest leaders. Fill in the form below and share your Mandela experience.

Happy birthday to one of the greatest man on earth. You have set an important example for many people in the world, especially when it comes to forgiveness and reconciliation. I wish we had more politicians who would follow your example. Wishing you all the best.
I have never met Mandela in person but he has influenced my life in many ways.
Added 1 decade ago

To the world in general and most south africans in particular, you are not only a beacon of hope for what human kind can achieve and be, but you are a living symbol of the potential human being have. Words alone cannot begin to express the profound and deep-seated pride and emotions we have when we think of you, for you and your generation are an embodiment of what the African National Congress was meant to be.
Your image and memory will remain etched on our conscious for time immemorial, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TATA
You are forever young in our hearts
Added 1 decade ago

For most good men it is hard enough to be a father to one child, but to father a nation is a kind of miracle that only comes from (and grows with) wisdom, love and the heart of hero.
Madiba, you changed my life in ways you will never know. I am proud of my beliefs and strong enough to stand up for them because you showed me that being afraid doesn't matter but doing the right thing, standing up to be counted anyway is what matters. And if you have a voice it's your duty to speak up for yourself and those who cannot.
God bless you every day, and for what it's worth I am proud of you.
Lots of love on your special day.
Added 1 decade ago

Madiba, I met you when a group from the TRC, including Archbishop Tutu, visited you to ask for an extension for our work.
I wish you well as you enter your 94th year and wish you peace and serenity with your family and close friends as the year progresses.
Added 1 decade ago

My favourite memory of Madiba was on my Graduation day at Rhodes University. Madiba was to be given an honorary doctorate and delivered the key note speech. It was a moment of pure elation as he walked onto the stage and took his place. He is a true hero and an inspiration to us all. Such grace, such poise, such wisdom. Happy Birthday Tata.
Added 1 decade ago

My favourite memory of Madiba was on my Graduation day at Rhodes University. Madiba was ti be given an honourary doctorate and deliverd the key note speech. It was a moment of pure eleation as he walked onto the stage and took his place. He is a true hero and an inspiration to us all. Such grace, such poise, such wisdom. Happy Birthday Tata.
Added 1 decade ago

I sincerely want to wish our beloved Tata Mandela a wonderful and happy birtday. May the angels protect him to see many more. This gallant freedom fighter deserve every accolade coming his way.He is truly an inspiration and a universal icon. Happy Birthday warrior of our time. You are truly and honestly a hero. JAVU BALOYI. .j
Added 1 decade ago

Mr Mandela: Congratulations on yet another milestone! Helen Joseph, our dear friend, often held us spellbound with her accounts of the Treason Trial. What courage and resolve you all showed! For this and much more besides, a grateful nation will always thank you. God bless and keep you and your loved ones.
Rev. Anthony Gamley and Family
Added 1 decade ago

It was a few years ago at his home in Qunu that I met uTata uMandela in person. It wasn't the best of times. It was his late son's funeral and my aunt was the caterer; that is how I ended up in that big white tent where uTata and many ANC stalwarts gathered to bid farewell to Makgato Mandela. In spite of the occasion, uTata had a warm smile on his face, and his hair, silver and white like cotton or wool, brightened that tent just a little more. His presence was not god-like as I had expected, but somewhat familiar, like an ancestor walking among us. This is my fond memory of uTata uMandela.
May he always be an inspiration to us all.
Happy Baffies Tata
Added 1 decade ago