Share your memories of Madiba
Almost everyone has a Mandela story or photograph with the iconic statesman, who drew a fractured country together around him. We want to hear those stories and see those photographs as we celebrate one of the world's greatest leaders. Fill in the form below and share your Mandela experience.

Dear Madiba, the words on the board we gave you in Sao Paulo in 1995 were VIVA MANDELA! FORA O APARTHEID. i was very happy when visiting your museum in Soweto in 2002 I could find the board. Happy Birthday Madiba!
Added 1 decade ago

Madiba was visiting the place where i live in Brazil in 1995. On that ocasion we gave him a board where you could read: " From CGT to a Great Man" I was happy when visiting Nelson Mandela Museum I could see the board in 2002.
Added 1 decade ago

Thank you for all you have done for this beautiful country of ours and for showing us the depth of human forgiveness and how to love others regardless of what they may have done to you. Love is the answer. Thank you Tata. Ukhule unga khokhobi. Umzantsi Afrika uyabulela Madiba!
Added 1 decade ago

My meeting Nelson Mandela is a slightly amusing one; we crossed paths on the way to a hotel bathroom. It was approx. 1995-96 and the ANC were having a conference at a Durban luxury hotel. I was there attending a Microsoft Road Show in one of the adjacent conference rooms. My colleague and I got up during a break and made our way to the gents. When leaving the gents we were met by security officials who gave us the once over. We did not think too much about this as we knew the ANC conference was next door and there was security all over the place. To my surprise as we were walking down the staircase to the conference area walking up towards us in Mr Mandela gently holding onto the railing for support and surrounded by security guards. We sort-of > read more
Added 1 decade ago

I have no personal experience with Madiba. I just have my memories. Every memory I can think of of my childhood has Mandela or the first free and fair democratic elections in them. Whenever I hear this great man's voice I get goosebumps and a tear in my eye.
I love this man although I have never met him, because he alone saved a nation torn by hate. He made us great and his legacy will endure forever.
Happy birthday Tata Madiba! (I know I am a day late in congratulating you, but I did remember yesterday.) May the rest of your time here on earth be filled with happiness and love and all the blessings imaginable. You deserve all the good things in the world.
We love you tata!!
Added 1 decade ago

Happy birthady Dada,
May have an awsome day filled with love joy, stay blessed,
Added 1 decade ago

Happy Birthday! Here's wishing you a happy chilled peaceful one... with good cake!
Thank you. Just such a big thank you.
Added 1 decade ago

Halala Madiba, halala!
Thank you tata, thank you for all you have done for Africa and all humanity. You are a legend, a leader, a shining example of servant hood.
May the good Lord richly bless you as you push 92 plus many more years.
Added 1 decade ago

I have no experience or picture to share, I live in Trinidad, in the Caribbean. I just want to convey my best wishes to this African Colossus. The world is a better place because of his quest for freedom and equality for his people. He is my hero and will live forever in my memory. Ninapenda wewe Madiba
Added 1 decade ago