Tjizu Kavari's Tribute

The extraodinary Great Son of the soil, an Icon and selfless Stateman, he will always be remembered by all the World over, and I will be a failure if I do not congratulate him on this day, for being the person he is. The World has learned a great lesson from you Madiba, and I'm grateful for being examplary for the generation the World over. Madiba was released shortly after our country attained independence, and as young man in Sothern Africa, the pains,tortures and hardships the South African people went through, was the same metted against our people in Namibia, thus when he was released it was like a burden lifting from one's shoulder. Above all he leadership, selflessness and care to other human beings without even thinking of taking revenge against those who incacirated him, inspired me a lot. I wish another typical Leader will be born, to continue where he left off. I wish you a Happy Birth Day, strength, and good health, and may God be with you Madiba.
Added 1 decade ago