Share your memories of Madiba
Almost everyone has a Mandela story or photograph with the iconic statesman, who drew a fractured country together around him. We want to hear those stories and see those photographs as we celebrate one of the world's greatest leaders. Fill in the form below and share your Mandela experience.

If only there were many of you Madiba, if only we could learn from you, if only we could follow your foot steps, the world would be a better place, Africa would have leaders with integrity, children would live in peace and harmony. Happy birthday Nelson Mandela,enjoy your day and hope that God will grant you your wishes, whatever they may be. Thank you for your public service, because of you we are who we are, and where we are today.
Added 1 decade ago

Happy Birthday Madiba!
Working as a journalist for Swazi TV I met you first at the Convention Centre in Ezulwini/Swaziland. I think it was a SADCC meeting shortly after your release.
After work we had a short private conversation in the hotel lobby when you approached me and my little boy Ayanda and my wife. This very personal meeting changed my life. You became my hero and idol since: Fighting injustice and change my attitude as a professional in the media.
Thank you! And many happy returns!
Added 1 decade ago

Tata Madiba, Happy birthday to the only hero that we, now a middle aged Afrikaans couple, have ever had. We watched you on TV in 1990, and again in 1995 when you wore Francois' jersey (and marvelled at the forgiveness in your heart). And last Sunday night, when you were at Soccer City, we were so extremely thankful that you were spared to see this day, and indeed the whole incredible month of the World Cup. It must have been your dreams come true. It also was ours!
Added 1 decade ago

I am an electronics engineer by trade.
On New Year's Day 1971 I was called out by the P&T (now Telkom)to attend to a problem with the radio link between Robben Eiland and the "Mainland". I was told that it was urgent because there was a "Very Important Prisoner" and communication with the island was high priority.
I went there on the 'Issy', and came back on the 'Diaz' after fixing the problem.
So I also did 'Time' on Robben Eiland!
Madiba, you were that VIP. Congratulations on your 92nd birthday, and may you have many more birthdays!
God Bless you.
Added 1 decade ago

Only a wish from CANADA that you live forever
as you will in our hearts. From across the sea
in admiration.
Graham X Wood
Added 1 decade ago

Cape Town,on the Parade,February 11 1990.
We had been waiting since noon and the sun was setting.There had been shootings and we were wondering if you would appear.Everyone was restless and on edge,then it was real.
"Comrades and fellow South Africans, I greet you all in the name of peace, democracy and freedom for all. I stand here before you not as a prophet but as a humble servant of you, the people. Your tireless and heroic sacrifices have made it possible for me to be here today. I therefore place the remaining years of my life in your hands..."
Then I knew we were in the presence of a remarkable human being and reading over your speech now still evokes many strong emotions.
God Bless
Added 1 decade ago

É que na minha Memória ficaram gravados para sempre determinados momentos que sucederam durante a já larga jornada percorrida.Momentos da Existencia da Humanidade. Marcados pelo andar de cada dia, durante anos e anos, desde a inocencia da Infancia Primeira, aos dias luminosos da Juventude, aos momentos em busca do Conhecer ou, aqueles dos Caminhos de Luta pelas causas nobres da Luta por um Mundo de Justica, Liberdade e Paz para todos e para a Humanidade. Os Caminhos de Nelson Mandela, Madiba, o Filho Querido da África. Foi durante as Festas Comemorativas da posse do Presidente Joaquim Chissano, em Maputo, Mozambique, que tive a oportunidade inesperada de ver Nelson Mandela. A Festa era em Praca Pública onde, desde cedo, milhares de pessoas convergiam para saudar o Novo Presidente, eleito após o término da Guerra que vitimou Mocambique e o seu Povo. Presentes Nelson Mandela e Miriam Makeba, a > read more
Added 1 decade ago

Dear Mr Mandela: Helen Joseph was a dear personal friend, and stayed with us in Maritzburg when she'd been invited to speak on various occasions. She was always so proud that you attended her birthday parties in Fanny Avenue, and would tell us, "Nelson came!"
The first time you and I met was at Helen's funeral in St Mary's Cathedral. As I walked over to shake your hand, you stood up -- for me, a total stranger! That memory is indelibly imprinted and will remain with me for the rest of my life.
Thank you for this and for so much more. Congratulations on your birthday, and God bless you and your loved ones.
Tony Gamley and Family
Added 1 decade ago

We were at a wedding on the day Madiba came out of prison on a farm in Heidelberg and the rain came down in buckets for ages which enabled everyone to pack indoors to watch the proceedings on TV.
Blessings and good health from Israel
Added 1 decade ago

Dear Madiba
I thank you! It is because of you and your gallant efforts that I am who I am! A proud South African, one who wants to see our nation succeed and wants to make a contribution towards that success, albeit in my own small way.
Added 1 decade ago